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Immigrant Resources

Know Your Rights Packets from the ACLU of Wyoming

These free packets from the ACLU of Wyoming contain printable legal documents such as power of attorney and affidavits to make preparations for your kids, finances, housing, bills, car/home titles, business, etc.

Have a plan in case of an emergency


  1. Always carry with you a "Know Your Rights" card and have one available at your home. 

  2. Memorize the phone number of who you need to call if detained by law enforcement. (Your phone will be taken away by law enforcement.)

  3. Have a power of attorney document signed for a trusted person to be able to access to your money for bills/rent/bond/etc.

  4. Save and have a plan on how to access bond money.

  5. Know your rights. Learn the difference between a piece of paper that says "warrant" and an ACTUAL warrant. 

  6. Have a plan for your kids to be picked up by someone at school or daycare and prepare information about your child. (Refer to page 41 of the Know Your Rights packet above.)​

  7. Have a power of attorney for care and custody of minor children signed to protect your child(ren). (Refer to page 30-36 of the "Know Your Rights" packet above.)

"Know Your Rights" cards


ALL people in the United States, no matter their immigration status, have rights and protections under the U.S. constitution. Download or order your cards.


Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan

Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center


We Have Rights

Videos helping communities prepare for and protect the rights of immigrants when encountered with Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE)


Know Your Rights Flyers provides the following flyers for download in English and Spanish.

  • Know Your Rights at the Border-Airports

  • Know Your Rights in Your Car

  • Know Your Rights in Police Custody-Jail

  • Know Your Rights in Your Home

  • Know Your Rights in Immigration Detention

  • Know Your Rights in Public Spaces

  • Know Your Rights in Removal Proceedings

  • Know Your Rights at Work

  • Know Your Rights

Stay informed 


Connect with trusted local organizations that provide support and resources for immigrants in Jackson Hole:


U.S. ICE Online Detainee Locator System 


If a person is taken into custody by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, friends and family can locate the person on the Online Detainee Locator System by entering the name, country of birth and date of birth.

English Classes in Jackson

family literacy program Jackson #familyliteracy

  Family Literacy 

Enroll in family literacy classes to improve your English, communication with your child's teachers and support your child in school.

esl classes near me #ESLclasses

  Adult Education  

Enroll in English as a Second Language classes (ESL) to improve your English skills in work, everyday life, and future education and career opportunities. 

Events around Jackson Hole

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Teton English LLC

PO Box 3924

Alpine WY 83128

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